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In the final play of The Fall of the House of Atreus sextet, Electra seeks revenge on the woman who killed her father and had her abandoned her in the wastes of Mycenae - her mother - Clytemnestra.


When Iphigenia was left her on the quay as her sister and mother went to Aulis, Electra was described as 'a child of such dark fury' but can Electra right the wrongs she has suffered all her life with the rage that burns within her? Can her reason win over of her passion? Can a lost girl become a woman found ? Can a closed heart full dark of anger finally be opened and find peace and maybe, even love and forgiveness - not only for herself but for her family?  

Electra a play about a brother and sister lost, found and undone; a life taken and a play finally about the woman who ushers in a new justice from the ashes of the destruction of the House of Atreus.  Electra - a daughter's journey, a woman's progress, a woman's fall and redemption, and a family's final destruction and our ultimate redemption.

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